Thursday, June 21, 2007

The SNAG Silent Auction

Sharon Massey and I took over the SNAG Silent Auction three years ago. We co-chair this event which raises money for Educational Endowment. The SNAG Educational Endowment was founded in 1992. Its sole focus is awarding graduate and undergraduate educational scholarships each year. These are prestigious and highly competitive student scholarship awards. A selection committee of three independent jurors determines the awards. The Endowment awards three scholarships each year, and each scholarship recipient receives: $1,000, One-year complimentary SNAG membership, Their work featured on a postcard sent out to hundreds of museums, galleries, and schools. The application deadline is March 15th each year.
Many vendors and artists donate to the Silent Auction, including artists like Boris Bally, Bob Ebendorf. And this year we had work by Halan Butt and Sarah Perkins, as well as a complete set of the Bill Fretz luscious hammers with padauk wood handles. Its good fun and gets really heated in its final minutes each year. We raised around $8300 this year.

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